Four pieces of a clay sealing that curves (D=4.2) probably around jar. There are two seal impressions of the same uninscribed seal. It shows an incomplete scene with 3 visible figures: (from left to right) figure facing right while wearing crown, middle figure is facing right with both arms upraised, and right figure is also facing right and carries an animal in his arms.
Dimension 1:2.5
Dimension 2:2.7
Dimension 3:5.1
Seals and Tablets Year:L82L82-104
Four pieces of a clay sealing that curves (D=4.2) probably around jar. There are two seal impressions of the same uninscribed seal. It shows an incomplete scene with 3 visible figures: (from left to right) figure facing right while wearing crown, middle figure is facing right with both arms upraised, and right figure is also facing right and carries an animal in his arms.
Dimension 1:2.5
Dimension 2:2.7
Dimension 3:5.1
Seals and Tablets Year:L82L82-105
Seal impression with two impressions of the same seal. It is a capped seal as indicated by deep horizontal line that shows 2 figures. The left figure is a kilted male with left arm crooked holding a drapery while facing long skirted female figure. There are three lines of inscription. The rough obverse shows string impressions
Dimension 1:1.6
Dimension 2:2.5
Dimension 3:2.2
Seals and Tablets Year:L82L82-105
Seal impression with two impressions of the same seal. It is a capped seal as indicated by deep horizontal line that shows 2 figures. The left figure is a kilted male with left arm crooked holding a drapery while facing long skirted female figure. There are three lines of inscription. The rough obverse shows string impressions
Dimension 1:1.6
Dimension 2:2.5
Dimension 3:2.2
Seals and Tablets Year:L82L82-105
Seal impression with two impressions of the same seal. It is a capped seal as indicated by deep horizontal line that shows 2 figures. The left figure is a kilted male with left arm crooked holding a drapery while facing long skirted female figure. There are three lines of inscription. The rough obverse shows string impressions
Dimension 1:1.6
Dimension 2:2.5
Dimension 3:2.2
Seals and Tablets Year:L82L82-105
Seal impression with two impressions of the same seal. It is a capped seal as indicated by deep horizontal line that shows 2 figures. The left figure is a kilted male with left arm crooked holding a drapery while facing long skirted female figure. There are three lines of inscription. The rough obverse shows string impressions
Dimension 1:1.6
Dimension 2:2.5
Dimension 3:2.2
Seals and Tablets Year:L82L82-118
Clay sealing fragment with most of an inscription. It is the same impression as L80-176, 195, 180, 190, and 194. A torso of figure holding drape in crooked arm to right of an inscription. There are string traces on obverse surface. The sealing has impressions only about 2mm off from each other but it makes the design unclear
Dimension 1:1.05
Dimension 2:2
Dimension 3:3.6
Seals and Tablets Year:L82