Sealing Fragments
227 fragments of sealings with fragments of the same sealing on them. The seal shows a kilted man standing before a goddess. Between their faces is a disk with a star and cross inside; between them about knee level is a figure of a monkey or baboon squatting. Behind the goddess is the standing figure of a winged lion.
Seals and Tablets Year:L82L82-76
Sealing Fragments
227 fragments of sealings with fragments of the same sealing on them. The seal shows a kilted man standing before a goddess. Between their faces is a disk with a star and cross inside; between them about knee level is a figure of a monkey or baboon squatting. Behind the goddess is the standing figure of a winged lion.
Seals and Tablets Year:L82L82-76
Sealing Fragments
227 fragments of sealings with fragments of the same sealing on them. The seal shows a kilted man standing before a goddess. Between their faces is a disk with a star and cross inside; between them about knee level is a figure of a monkey or baboon squatting. Behind the goddess is the standing figure of a winged lion.
Seals and Tablets Year:L82L82-76
Sealing Fragments
227 fragments of sealings with fragments of the same sealing on them. The seal shows a kilted man standing before a goddess. Between their faces is a disk with a star and cross inside; between them about knee level is a figure of a monkey or baboon squatting. Behind the goddess is the standing figure of a winged lion.
Seals and Tablets Year:L82L82-76
Sealing Fragments
227 fragments of sealings with fragments of the same sealing on them. The seal shows a kilted man standing before a goddess. Between their faces is a disk with a star and cross inside; between them about knee level is a figure of a monkey or baboon squatting. Behind the goddess is the standing figure of a winged lion.
Seals and Tablets Year:L82L82-78
Jar Stopper
Clay jar stopper mostly complete. It has an L-shaped head that extends far over its body on one side, a rounded point at the base, and traces of bitumen on the sides of the cone. The stopper was made with poorly levigated, buff clay that was heavily tempered with straw and medium grit.
Dimension 1:6.9
Dimension 2:4.15
Dimension 3:10.5
Seals and Tablets Year:L82L82-86
Seal Impression
Possible jar stopper, that is fragmented with three impressed circles (.7cm in diameter) and part of a fourth along the break. Fabric is heavily tempered, traces of burning on the rough obverse of the object. Possible imprint of a string can be seen on the back.
Dimension 1:2.8
Dimension 2:3.75
Dimension 3:4.4
Seals and Tablets Year:L82L82-86
Seal Impression
Possible jar stopper, that is fragmented with three impressed circles (.7cm in diameter) and part of a fourth along the break. Fabric is heavily tempered, traces of burning on the rough obverse of the object. Possible imprint of a string can be seen on the back.
Dimension 1:2.8
Dimension 2:3.75
Dimension 3:4.4
Seals and Tablets Year:L82L82-87
Seal impression, almost complete, has several chips around edge. Obverse comprised of overlapping pieces of clay and slightly smoothed. Impressions of fingerprints and possible textile. Four seal impressions: two scenes or two parts of the same seal. A cylinder seal was used as stamp seal here. In the deepest impression, imprints of the vertical grooves on the seal's top edge are visible. Two scenes show god with right foot on symbolic mountain. His arm is bent at the elbow and slightly extended. In front, facing him is supplicant figure in long skirt with a raised arm, head obscured. The other scene shows upper parts of the bodies of two figures, one of which is wearing seven tiered, horned crown.
Dimension 1:4.35
Dimension 2:6.7
Seals and Tablets Year:L82L82-87
Seal impression, almost complete, but has several chips around the edge. The obverse shows it was comprised of overlapping several pieces of clay, slightly smoothed. There are impressions of fingerprints and possible textile. There are four seal impressions: two scenes or two parts of the same seal. A cylinder seal was used as stamp seal here. In the deepest impression, imprints of the vertical grooves on the seal's top are visible. Two scenes show god with right foot on symbolic mountain. His arm is bent at the elbow and slightly extended. In front, facing him, is supplicant figure in long skirt with a raised arm and the head obscured. The other scene shows upper parts of the bodies of two figures, one of which is wearing seven tiered, horned crown.
Dimension 1:4.35
Dimension 2:6.7
Seals and Tablets Year:L82