Clay Cuneiform Tablet
Bulla with fragment of seal impression partially preserved. Top edge, shows connected triangles probably made by metal rim around seal. The left side of the seal shows a figure (feet and lower legs cut off) with one arm outstretched and other upraised. To the right (along edge of object) is tail (?) of an animal that figure is killing. Hard to see details because impression was smeared when clay was still wet.
Dimension 1:3.9
Dimension 2:3.6
Dimension 3:2.3
Seals and Tablets Year:L78 and L79L79-106
Clay Cuneiform Tablet
Bulla with seal impression partially preserved. Top edge, shows connected triangles probably made by metal rim around seal. The left side of the seal shows a figure (feet and lower legs cut off) with one arm outstretched and other upraised. To the right (along edge of object) is tail (?) of an animal that figure is killing. details difficult because impression was smeared when clay was still wet.
Dimension 1:3.9
Dimension 2:3.6
Dimension 3:2.3
Seals and Tablets Year:L78 and L79L79-119
Bulla Fragment with Impression
Large thick fragment of clay, blackened inside and out. The outside is rough and bumpy and the inside is smoother but with one part covered by a heaped up encrustation of clay. Seal impression on the outside, on the portion that is flattest. At right edge of seal, clay curves sharply downwards. The seal impression measures 4.3 Lx 2.9 H and depicts human figures. The clay was buff with medium tempering and all surfaces were blackened.
Dimension 1:1.1
Dimension 2:1.6
Dimension 3:3.4
Seals and Tablets Year:L78 and L79L79-119
Clay Cuneiform Tablet
Large thick fragment of clay, blackened inside and out. The outside is rough and bumpy and the inside is smoother but with one part covered by a heaped up encrustation of clay. Seal impression on the outside, on the portion that is flattest. At right edge of seal, clay curves sharply downwards. The seal impression measures 4.3 Lx 2.9 H and depicts human figures. clay is buff with medium tempering and all surfaces are blackened.
Dimension 1:3.9
Dimension 2:3.6
Dimension 3:2.3
Seals and Tablets Year:L78 and L79