The Leilan Region Survey topographic maps of individual sites were produced by Richard MacNeill and Harvey Weiss during the course of the 1997 survey season. The LRS survey sites were sherd collected by topographic areas, where definable, and in some cases also collected along transects extending out from the sites in order to capture off-site sherd distributions. The periodization of the sherd collections was recorded systematically in the field by Elena Rova, and subsequently by several students at Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, and by Lauren Ristvet. The occupational periods for the LRS sites are recorded in Lauren Ristvet, 2005, Settlement, Economy, and Society in the Tell Leilan Region, Syria, 3000-1000 BC. Ph.D. dissertation, Cambridge University (
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LRS Site 49- Qarassa (41.46120138580, 36.83137591920)
Phases: Leilan IIIb-IIIC, Leilan IIb, Leilan I, Leilan 0, Mitanni, Middle Assyrian
LRS Site 51- Qotba Tahtani (41.48401258740, 36.97230668280)
Phases: Leilan IIIb-IIIc, Leilan IIId, Leilan IIa, Leilan I
LRS Site 59- Sharmouk (41.38487081800, 36.88710944000)
Phases: Leilan IIIa, Leilan IIIb-IIIc, Leilan IIa, Leilan I
LRS Site 60- Abu Farah (41.62434639290, 36.89255407250)
Phases: Leilan IIIb-IIIc, Leilan IIa, Leilan IIb, Leilan IIc, Leilan I, Mitanni, Middle Assyrian
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LRS Site 61- Abu Hajjeira (41.65042968640, 36.91481528920)
Phases: Leilan I, Leilan 0
LRS Site 90- Tell Aid (41.33610013720, 36.94783381700)
Phases: Leilan IIIb-c, Leilan IIId, Leilan IIa, Leilan IIb, Leilan IIc, Leilan I, Mitanni
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LRS Site 106- Tuwail (41.57475884740, 36.86642166250)
Phases: Leilan IIIb-c, Leilan IIId, Leilan IIa, Leilan IIb, Leilan I, Leilan 0
LRS Site 108- Jalak (41.4910888000, 36.87779973800)
Phases: Fewer than 4 sherds found from Leilan IIb and Leilan I
LRS Site 123- Tell Khodr (41.43676664000, 36.72580305290)
Phases: Leilan IIIb-c, Leilan IIb, Leilan IIc, Leilan I
LRS Site 145- Tell Tartab (41.23294538040, 37.01253193280)
Phases: Leilan IIa, Leilan I
LRS Site 186- Tell Farfara (41.33351259140, 36.82277209760)
Phases: Leilan IIa, Leilan IIb, Leilan IIc, Leilan I, Leilan 0, Mitanni, Middle Assyrian
LRS Site 201- Hansa (41.41772058300, 36.64895046760)
Phases: Leilan IIb, Leilan IIc, Leilan I
LRS Site 218- Qornata Kabira (41.54589018970. 36.61046766740)
LRS Site 212- Al Andalus (41.61395962160, 36.62293591420)
Phases: Leilan I, Leilan 0, Mitanni, Middle Assyrian
LRS Site 223- Sulltan et-Tellul (41.58014159410, 36.68867264310)
Phases: Leilan IIb, Leilan I, Leilan 0, Mitanni, Middle Assyrian
LRS Site 272- Abu Kabira (41.61771512030, 36.82212864930)
Phases: Leilan I
LRS Site 279- Abtakh Fowqani (41.53116774760, 36.81503168850)
Phases: Leilan I, Leilan 0, Mitanni, Middle Assyrian